Water Damage Photo Gallery

Water Damage In Light Fixtures
In many situations, the first signs of a leaking pipe or roof occur when the watermakes it into your home through the ceiling. If you see water pooling in a light fixture, do not attempt to let it out. Water and electrical fixtures make a dangerouscombination.

Broken Pipe In Your Wall
A leak in a copper water pipe behind a wall can cause damage to walls, ceilings and floors. Hidden moisture also increases the risk of dangerous mold buildup. A leak in a pipe behind a wall may start slowly and go undetected for a long time. Once a leak is found, it should be repaired as quickly as possible to limit the amount of damage done.

Dri-Eaz Ace Axial Turbo-Dryer Air Mover
A low amp, 1.5 axial air mover that can be used in multiple ways to dry materials affected by a water loss. Constructed to be used at different angles: tilt forward – to dry floor level materials; tilt back – to dry elevated materials; face down – directed airflow on flooring; face up – drying ceilings and overhead materials.

Dri-Eaz Evolution Dehumidifier
A versatile compact dehumidifier which only draws 5 amps per unit (less than the average toaster oven) but is capable of removing up to 70 pints of moisture a day from a water loss such as this one in Gainesville, GA.

Containment chambers are created in order to achieve optimal drying. Creating the chamber reduces the size of the drying area and makes for more efficient drying of the affected materials by focusing de-humidification, heat and air directly.

Many people believe that replacement is the only option when their hardwood floor is affected by a water loss. However, this is not always the case. Injectidry is a direct drying technique used on hardwoods after a water loss. The panels on the flooring have an airtight seal around the edges and the hoses connected to the Injectidry System form a suction underneath the panels. Air will travel from between the subfloor and the hardwood floor through the grooves between the boards, bringing with it any moisture out of the wood.